Do you need more confidence in your smile? Are discoloured, chipped, or uneven teeth dampening your style? Dental veneers may be the solution!
Dental veneers can have a wonderful effect on your teeth, transforming your smile and restoring your confidence. Let’s explore this cosmetic dental service more in-depth.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers, or Lumineers, are thin, custom-made shells that are permanently bonded to the front surface of your teeth to cover up cracks, chips, or other imperfections. Depending on the state of your teeth, you may get only one veneer or up to eight to create a nice, symmetrical smile. Veneers are usually applied to the top eight front teeth.
They are usually made from either porcelain or resin composite materials.
Your dentist will begin by shaping down the tooth and making an impression of your teeth so they can create a mould. The mould will be sent to a lab where the porcelain veneer will be made. In the meantime, you’ll be given a temporary veneer to wear.
Composite Resin
Your dentist will etch away a layer of your tooth before applying the composite resin to the surface of the prepared tooth. Additional layers of resin may be required to achieve the intended look. Finally, your dentist will finish by hardening the composite veneers with a special curing light.
How They Transform Your Smile
As mentioned above, dental veneers can have a powerful and transformational effect on you and your smile:
The Aesthetics
It should be clear how veneers can transform your smile – they can create a more symmetrical appearance and cover up stains, cracks, chips, or misalignments. They can even be used to cover gaps in your mouth. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much of a difference your veneers can make. The results are beautiful and, with the proper care, will last for many years.
While they don’t prevent tooth decay, veneers can also add a protective layer to your teeth, potentially eliminating the need for more extensive treatments.
Embrace Your New Smile
Dental veneers provide an effective and versatile solution for restoring and enhancing your smile. They have benefits beyond just the physical appearance. You’ll be able to smile confidently without inhibitions, and you’ll feel much more comfortable in social situations. Modern dental technology has made achieving a beautiful smile that reflects your personality accessible to everyone.
Are Veneers Right for You? – Visit Your Dentist in London, Ontario
Veneers may not be the right choice for everyone. To determine if you’re a good candidate for veneers or if you should consider a different option, you can visit Cosmo Dental Centre in London, Ontario. We provide quality dental services, such as veneers, in a family-friendly dental practice.
If you would like to book an appointment with our experienced dentists, please give us a call today or book online.